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Roles and Permission list in Peoplesoft

In PeopleSoft, a role is a collection of permissions that define what a user can or cannot do within the system. Think of roles as a set of rules that determine the actions a user can perform. For instance, you might have roles like “HR Manager,” “Finance Analyst,” or “Student Advisor.” Each role has a specific set of permissions associated with it, such as the ability to view employee records, approve purchase orders, or enrol students in courses.

Permission lists, on the other hand, are precisely what their name suggests—a list of permissions. They define the specific actions or tasks that a user with a particular role can undertake. Permission lists are more granular than roles and allow for fine-tuned control over access.

The below chart explains the hierarchy of roles and permission list in PeopleSoft.

Roles and permission list peoplesoft

There are five steps involved in understanding roles and permission lists in PeopleSoft.

1 Step: Creating New Permission List

2 Step : Adding page access to the permission list

3 Step: Creating New Roles

4 Step: Adding the Permission List to the Role

5 Step: Adding the role to the User profile

Creating New Permission List

This step involves the creation of a new permission list within the PeopleSoft system. Navigate to the Permissions list and click “Add a new Value” and “Add”

Navigation : Main Menu > Peopletools > security > Permissions & roles > Permission List
permission list peoplesoft

Adding page access to the permission list

Here, you grant access to particular pages and functions by associating them with the previously created permission list. Navigate to the Pages tab and add the Menu Name where the component is added. and click “Edit Components.

 permission list peoplesoft

If you want to add all the page access to every component added in the menu, then simply select “Select All” and “Save.” . if not, Click “edit Pages” and then “select all”

Roles and permission list peoplesoft

Creating New Roles

In this phase, new roles representing job functions or responsibilities are established within the system.

Navigate to Roles and click “Add a new Value” and Add.

Navigation : Main Menu > Peopletools > security > Permissions & roles > Roles.

Roles and permission list peoplesoft

Adding the Permission List to the Role

Now click the Permission list and add the Permission list that we created in Step 1, and then save the Page.

Adding the role to the User profile

Finally, users’ profiles are updated by assigning them the appropriate roles, ensuring they have the necessary access rights for their tasks within the PeopleSoft environment.

Navigation : Main Menu > Peopletools > security > user Profiles > User Profiles

Navigate to the Roles tab, click the “Add” button, and add your role that we have created. And save the page

Consider logging out of the system, clearing the cache, or alternatively, logging in using an incognito mode session with your User ID to attempt accessing the page.

The below SQL is used to find the list of permissions assigned to the oprid ID.


Comment below if you have any clarifications Roles and permission list in peoplesoft.

Click here to check how to hide or modify the fields on the page without using PeopleCode.

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