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How to remove dashboards from kibana Peoplesoft

We all know that kibana is one of the best analysis tool in peoplesoft which uses open search configuration. In some cases were need to remove dashboards from kibana where we can follow below steps

Inorder to remove dashboard first we need to uncrawl the data by undeploying the search definition using the following navigation:

Menu > PeopleTools > Search Framework > Deploy Search Definition > undeploy search definition


  1. Undeploy the respective search definition.
  2. Undeploy the dashboard.
  3. Go to Insights and remove the dashboard.

Step 1: Conform the dashboard is visible in Insights 

Main Menu > reporting tools > Insights

Kibana dashboard

Step 2: Find the list of search definitions associated  with Dashboard . For this dashboard we have 2 search definition.

Oracle provides list search definitions that associated with dashboards for both HCM dashboard and FSCM Dashboard list. You can click the hyperlink



Step 3: navigation where we need to undeploy the search definition to stop the crawled data: 

Menu > PeopleTools > Search Framework > Deploy Search Definition 

Step 5 : Once undeployed the data shows like this 

Step : 6 : Undeploy the dashboard in the below navigation 

Menu > PeopleTools > Search Framework> Deploy insights dashboard 

Step : 7 : Finally remove from the insights 

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