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Enhancing Debugging in PeopleSoft Development with SQR Programs


As a PeopleSoft developer, one of the fundamental skills you learn is how to effectively debug your SQR programs. Debugging plays a crucial role in identifying and resolving issues, improving program efficiency, and gaining deeper insights into program execution. One common technique employed by PeopleSoft developers is adding debug flags to their SQR programs, allowing them to generate additional information in the log or .out files. In this blog post, we will explore the process of adding debug flags to SQR programs and discuss some commonly used trace flags.

Understanding Debug Flags in SQR:

Debug flags in SQR programs provide developers with a way to extract specific types of information during program execution. By appending the debug flag to the program command, you enable the generation of additional output in the log or .out files. The general syntax for adding debug flags is as follows:

Different trace flags capture various aspects of program execution. Two commonly used trace flags are -debugd and -debugf. The -debugd flag is typically used to trace data-related information, while the -debugf flag helps track the program’s flow, indicating the execution path within the program. To determine the appropriate trace flags, you can search through the SQR and related SQCs for #debug[letter] statements, which indicate the available trace flag letters within the code.

syntax : code-debug[trace flag letters]

Catch-All Debug Flag: Alternatively, you can use a catch-all debug flag that captures a range of debug statements. This catch-all flag ensures that you receive comprehensive debugging information, even if you are unsure which specific trace flags to use. The catch-all debug flag syntax is as follows:

 sample code-debugabcdefghij
SQR debuging Peoplesoft

This catch-all flag includes all the trace flags from ‘a’ to ‘j’, enabling the generation of a broad range of debugging output. It is particularly useful during initial development or when dealing with unfamiliar code, as it ensures you capture a wide range of debugging information.

Benefits of Debugging with SQR Debug Flags:

  • Error Identification: Debug flags provide detailed information about the program’s execution, enabling you to identify and isolate errors effectively. By reviewing the debug output in the log or .out files, you can pinpoint the exact location or step where the error occurred.
  • Program Flow Analysis: With the -debugf flag, you can gain insights into the program’s flow, understanding the sequence of operations and decision points. This helps in comprehending program logic and facilitates troubleshooting.
  • Data Validation: The -debugd flag allows you to trace the data flow within the program, helping you verify the accuracy of data processing. By examining the data-related debug output, you can detect any discrepancies or anomalies.
  • Performance Optimization: Debugging flags also aid in performance analysis and optimization. By analyzing the execution flow and data processing, you can identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement, leading to optimized program performance.


Debugging is an essential skill for PeopleSoft developers, and using debug flags in SQR programs significantly enhances the debugging process.

By appending the appropriate trace flags, such as -debugd or -debugf, you can extract valuable information from the log or .out files. Additionally, the catch-all debug flag (-debugabcdefghij) proves useful when dealing with unfamiliar code or during initial development. Embracing debugging techniques empowers developers to identify and resolve issues efficiently, understand program flow, validate data, and optimize program performance. Incorporating debug flags into your SQR programs will undoubtedly elevate your PeopleSoft development skills and enable you to deliver high-quality solutions.

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